Miss Pouty Pants: Summer

It is always easy to find the things we don’t like about our current situation. It’s too hot, it’s too cold, the rain ruined our plans . . . we could go on like this for ages!

But do we ever stop and look at all the things God has given us that we need, and even more than that, that we enjoy? Why does He do this? Because our joy and delight and trust in Him brings Him glory. It’s what He’s all about.

Let’s look for gifts that thrill our souls this week and share them with our children!

Discussion Questions:

  • What things are you tempted to complain about right now?

  • How can we praise God instead?

  • What are some good gifts God has given you this week?

Don’t forget to check out additional resources for Miss Pouty Pants here!


Digging Deeper: Who Are We?


Digging Deeper: Who is God?